Sunday, December 22, 2013

well if kelly rae roberts uses 'em you can bet i'm gonna give 'em a go.  i always paint with water based mediums but kelly uses these for her faces so i thought i would give them a try.  other than the smell  (which is sort of like a box of crayons ) i love 'em.  they are buttery smooth and the blender does just that...blends. here is my go at a face using my new SHIVA PAINTSTIKS and black STABILO pencil.   i am storing the paintstiks, individually, in snack size zip lock bags. enjoy!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

i started painting some of the grimm's fairy tales and lo and behold carla sonheim offers a new e-course for 2014 .... now that's some serendipity....and don't just love saying the word serendipity....any word that ends in "dipity" ranks way up there for me....please join me on this fairy tale journey....

Saturday, June 29, 2013

stitching in photoshop

My friend in MATS 1 sent this out as a facebook post...i want to share it and save it....enjoy!!! 

If your scanner is too small for your piece, and you have access to Photoshop CS4 or newer, scan it in pieces, then open them in PS. Go to File>Automate>Photomerge (in CS6, at least; can't remember if it's exactly the same place in the previous versions). In the dialog box, leave it set on Auto (upper left), and make sure Blend Images Together is checked (bottom of middle section), then click Browse (upper right) to choose the files to make up the whole. Click OK, then sit for a few seconds while Photoshop dies the work. I've only had it do something weird on me once; you might want to rotate the files to orient then the same direction before doing this. It's pretty cool!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

i am going to explode with anticipation!!!... 2 more sleepy times and i start the lilla roger's e-course--  Make Art That Sells.  she seems to really know her shi shi and i'm blown away by the impressive group of artists that work for her ... i am going to learn so much ding dang cool stuff... i really don't think i'm going to be able to sleep...oh how i love me a great art adventure!! out for high slingling paint!!   :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

                                      "fat bottomed girls they make the rockin' world go round"

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

peppery finish

thought i'd show you my latest.
been playing around with my canon scanner.
much fun.
love you all.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Super excited to be taking MAKE ART THAT SELLS, the new e-course from Lilla Rogers.  Lilla is one of the world's top illustration agents, representing 38 artists internationally.  I am going to soak up every little tid bit I can from her.  If you are a fellow artsy fartsy please JOIN ME in this big adventure!!!