Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Module 1 of The Art and Business of Surface Pattern design DONE....BAM!!!

yes i am!!!!

.......and look what i created.....

can't wait to see what rachel taylor has for us in module 2.....???

if you are on the fence about taking these courses....all i can say is....jump off the fence!

Monday, July 20, 2015

2nd brief for Make It In Design's summer school is up and ready....ecoglobal trend....i'm getting inspired by native american totem pole is my color we go.....

Monday, July 6, 2015

Make It In Design Summer School

day one:

@MakeitinDesign #summerschool2015

our brief:


my Warhol the repeat images in the boxes

and my first sketch using the brief's pantone colors


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

so excited to be taking the new year long class with carla sonheim and lynn whipple....i'm ready to get a spark and catch FIRE
new painting....trying to sing a new song this year.....i lost track of time painting this...that's always a good sign...