Sunday, December 22, 2013

well if kelly rae roberts uses 'em you can bet i'm gonna give 'em a go.  i always paint with water based mediums but kelly uses these for her faces so i thought i would give them a try.  other than the smell  (which is sort of like a box of crayons ) i love 'em.  they are buttery smooth and the blender does just that...blends. here is my go at a face using my new SHIVA PAINTSTIKS and black STABILO pencil.   i am storing the paintstiks, individually, in snack size zip lock bags. enjoy!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

i started painting some of the grimm's fairy tales and lo and behold carla sonheim offers a new e-course for 2014 .... now that's some serendipity....and don't just love saying the word serendipity....any word that ends in "dipity" ranks way up there for me....please join me on this fairy tale journey....